Thinkalazhcha Nishchayam (2021) on uwatchfree

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Starring: Sajin Cherukayil, Suchithra Devi, Sunil C.K.

Director: Senna Hegde

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance


Release/Country: 2021/India

IMDb 7.8/ 10 (1657 votes)

Thinkalazhcha Nishchayam (2021) Description: Set in Kanhangad, a modest town in North Kerala, arrangements are underway for Vijayan's second daughter, Suja's engagement. On what should be a perfect ceremony, the bride is having second thoughts, her father is in a financial mess, and as members of their family arrive one by one, family secrets start to surface. Set within the two days preceding the ceremony, the entire film happens in and around Vijayan's house.

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