Enpathukalile Ebhyamar (2021) on uwatchfree

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Starring: Kulappulli Leela, Saju Kodiyan, Seema G. Nair

Director: Shaji Yusuf

Genre: Action, Drama, Family

IMDb: https://imdb.com/title/tt14129556/

Release/Country: 2021/India

IMDb 8.0/ 10 (7 votes)

Enpathukalile Ebhyamar (2021) Description: ENPATHUKALILE EBHYANMAR is a story from the 1980's. Shajahan,who had to shoulder the responsibility of the family at an early age due to the irresponsibility of his drunken father, dropped out of school, went in search of many jobs, but Shajahan was unable to secure a job in his life. When he advised his father to abstain from alcohol, he said that he did not want to drink and that it was because of his friends at work. Ideally, Shajahan arrives at the market in a confrontation with his father. One of them is seriously injured under Shajahan. Shajahan leaves for fear of being caught by police. Shajahan arrived at the timber mill of a pilgrim. Later life there paved the way for Shajahan.

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